Thursday, 30 January 2025

AFWS Launching and Workshop 1

 Alternate Film Workshop Launching

Dear friends,

We decided to launch the Alternate Film Workshops on 2nd February of 2025 as select the teams for the new projects as to develop the talents of the selected team members in the coming days...

Workshop: 1

And the first workshop will be conducted jointly with Vidhai... as a New Beginning in a New Route...

All Film and Literary friends are welcome... to use this opportunity.. to know about Cinema.. To get a chance to enter the film world...  

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

CFC meet and New Decisions

 Dear friends,

The first meet of Cheras Film Club was conducted the last Sunday succesfully.

And decided to concentrate on the Project No:1. And decided to conduct Alternate Film Workshops as a part of the production work (selection of the crew).

Monday, 27 January 2025

So Far... Now Onward...

Dear friends,
I started this blog just like a time pass and used to share some information about my works and our Film Literature confluence in the past years. And changed the topics and pages now and then as to find and fix a new style. But I didn't concentrate on this sincerely so far. 

Now I want to develop this site as a regular platform to share my writing works, to tell about all other works and to develop our youtube channel KBV Reels
So, I am just concluding all the data of blogging and videos till date (as trial or old post) to count everything freshly.

Blog Stats
Total views: 216574
Followers: 11
Blog archive: 784
Comments: 7

KBV Reels Stats
Views: 16718
Videos: 477
Subscribers: 308

And from now onward, I am going to make the posts in a new style,  as confirmed to concentrate mainly on my works
ie., Making Films, Creating Videos for the Channel, Wrinting & Publishing the books and Other Activties.   

So decided to use English for the regular posts and to use Tamil / Malayalam for some special topics when needed

27th January 2024

(As a continuous process following in the past 10 years, this is updated for the 25th time..!)

Friday, 3 January 2025

Casting Call


As the first step of the Group Production, parallel to the developing the script, we would like to select the talents and make the teams for for departments before starting the pre production works properly.

For that purpose, decided to conduct the audition for artistes and direction team

Interested persons can send their details by WhatsApp or Email only. (Should avoid calls)

Preliminary audition is going on and the final selection will be conducted on 25 & 26th January 2025 at Kozhinjampara, Palakkad.

Exact place and time will be informed to the candidates by WhatsApp directly after watching their resume and photos.

Preference will be given to the candidates from Coimbatore/Pollachi/Palakkad/Chittur areas, as the shooting will be mainly in the locations near to the areas.