Saturday, 7 May 2016

Oh my Goodness, Ilayaraja is not a good musician!

Even for the outsiders who came to live here, living without Ilayaraja’s Music is not possible in Tamilnadu. That is the impact of his songs done so far in the last four decades. Even one didn’t like Ilayaraja, and one who didn’t like even films also will like the music of Ilayaraja. There is no doubt about it.
But today a doubt raised in my mind. Ilayaraja himself told that he is not a good musician. Even he told it indirectly, is any truth in that?
Ilayaraja had denied to receive the national award on the stage from The President of India, for the best background music 2015. Because he didn’t like the bifurcation of the award for best music to best music for the songs and best background music.
He felt that the award committee didn’t assess his works totally, or they didn’t honour his caliber fully. He think that giving away the award for the best music for songs to someone, and giving only the award to him for the background is not fare. He felt that denying the award for best music for the songs is an attempt to degrade him.  
Ilayaraja is a master in both music, ie., is music for songs and background music. There is no doubt for anyone in it for the last four decades.
But the awards are not for the persons. They are not given to persons on the basis of talent. They are given for the selected best work of that year. So, giving an award will not be an assessment of a man.
When compared to the others, the selected work may be the best one among the works done in that particular year. That didn’t means that all other works are bad or other creators are bad.  
In the last forty years Ilayaraja got this award only four times. If his opinion is correct, he might be a bad music director for the rest 36 years! And we all are bearing his works as treasure.
His songs are the number one in the list of music liked by the people in this world today. In total, one thing is true! His music is eternal, but as a person, he is a bad musician! 


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